Programming is a skill that you need to do on your own. We can only guide you, but you will need to dedicate a lot of time before being good at it. Below you can find several ways of how to approach learning programming

Read it

There are many books about Python, we can recommend you Dive into Python 3, the online version is for free but you might also consider hard copy.

Daily programming exercises

There are many sites focusing on problems that should take you about an hour. These are great for practising your algorithmization skills.

You can pick one of these

  • Codewars - Great user interface and point system to motivate you.
  • Project Euler - Another set of very interesting exercises that are increasingly hard.

Learning by doing:

You will only learn programming by practising it, so the best way is to work on your own project. Now a lot of people say they can’t really think of project, so below you will find projects for inspiration.

  1. Simple address book that uses json to save your addresses. See json docs.
  2. Your own blog. See Django tutorial.
  3. Budget tracker.

Help with existing Open Source projects

There are many Open Source projects that are looking for beginners to help them out with implementing new features or fixing bugs. Doing this will help you to learn about how programms are written in real-life and it will also provide you with much needed feedback. You are unlikely to understand it all but that does not matter. You will likely need to learn how to work with git, start with this tutorial.
